Illuminati "New World Order" Human Enslavement Program -
A very interesting article:
This article is one of the most terrifying things I have read in a very long time.
What this article just told me was that the 'Satanic Masonic order has "jurisdictions" within national borders, and are in union with various Law-enforcement branches in the area of data-collection and identification.
Since when did the secretive masonic satanists who do not share their membership rosters, nor do they share their belief system, nor do they share their activities with the general public all-of-a-sudden Satanic masons want to collect the most intimate information about 'YOU' like the personal details about your children??
I mean, the public isn't privy to the details about this secretive satanic sect known as the masons, yet these Satanists are "leading" an effort to collect all the information they can about our children??
-I don't remember a point in time where the public voted for the practicing Satanists known as the masons to engage in such a sensitive public area namely child-data collection, and child identification...
-But here it is...
The masons are exercising their self-appointed jurisdictional power to identify the Nation's children within the bounds of a secretive satanic society!!
-Incredible but true!
Would bring your child to let Satanists collect personal information on your family? No?
Well this is exactly what is happening all across the land.
Wake up People!
VeriChip defends its implantable microchips, promises they're safe
by Darren Murph posted Sep 11th 2007 at 4:48PM
Man, that was quick. Just two days after reports hit the net about RFID implants being linked to cancer, VeriChip is lunging out to vehemently defend its own implantable microchip. Interestingly enough, the firm cites phrases from a number of studies to suggest that all is well and we've nothing to fear by getting one of these bad boys inserted into us, and it also makes darn sure we know the thing has been "cleared by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device." Lastly, the company has promised to continue looking at the "veracity and credibility of the studies," and noted that it would "take the necessary steps to ensure that our products remain safe to the end user." Phew, good thing, eh?
Child Identification Program (MdCHIP)
The Maryland Freemasons will bring this fine program to the St. Mary's County Fair. MdCHIP is a part of the National Masonichip network ( sponsored by the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. All identifying items generated at MdCHIP Events are placed in a pack and given to the parent or guardian to take home for safe keeping. If their child becomes missing, the pack can then be provided to law enforcement to aid in recovery and identification. The Maryland Freemasons keep nothing but the permission form signed by the parent prior to participation in the event. For more information on the Maryland program visit
Are fingerprints inherited?
ReplyDeletefingerprint card